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Say NO to S.5 - a Carbon Tax!


We need your help! Contact your Senator and demand they vote NO on S.5 – a Carbon Tax!

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Legislation has been re-introduced in the Senate under the new name and branding of the "Affordable Heat Act." Make no mistake, this is a carbon tax. S.5 recently passed out of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy on a 5-0 vote.

That committee is comprised completely of one political party.

This bill, if passed, levies at a minimum, a $0.70 per gallon tax on home heating fuels and requires most Vermonters to invest $20,000 in another heating system to avoid the new tax.

Join me and say NO to S.5 or the concept of a carbon tax, which could cost Vermonters upwards of $500 more to heat their homes, per year.

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