Town meeting day is nearly here! This week, Rep. Carolyn Branagan and I created a document that will be distributed on Georgia and Fairfax's Town Meeting.
Here is your weekly update!
Yes. S.5 Is a Carbon Tax
In the last week, I have received dozens of e-mails from constituents asking about S.5,
Legislation has been re-introduced in the Senate under the new name and branding of the "Affordable Heat Act" Make no mistake, this is a carbon tax. S.5 recently passed out of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy on a 5-0 vote. That committee is comprised completely of one political party.
This bill, if passed, levies at a minimum, a $0.70 per gallon tax on home heating fuels and requires most Vermonters to invest $20,000 in another heating system to avoid the new tax.
We do not support this legislation or the concept of a carbon tax, which could cost Vermonters upwards of $500 more to heat their homes, per year.
Upcoming Discussions
Post Town Meeting Day, we anticipate the following bills to be discussed and brought forth for a vote quickly.
H.217 - an act relating to miscellaneous workers compensation amendments
H.165 - an act relating to school food programs and universal meals
H.66 - an act relating to paid family and medical leave insurance
Vote on Town Meeting Day!
Your vote is your voice! Be sure to vote on Town Meeting Day, March 7, 2023 between 7 AM and 7 PM. Here are your polling locations.
Fairfax: BFA Elementary School Gymnasium at 75 Hunt Street.
Georgia: Georgia Elementary School on US Route 7
Stay in touch!
In order for us to represent Fairfax and Georgia, we need to know your thoughts and concerns on upcoming issues. Please stay in touch!