There are so many important issues facing our state. Below are the top three issues that inspired me to run for office. I welcome any thoughts you have on any issue! E-mail me at ashley@ashleybartley.org anytime.

To be a voice for working families
​Childcare is the largest hurdle facing Vermont families. What few spots are available are often unaffordable for our families, forcing them to choose between staying home with their children or taking advantage of career opportunities. This is not only affecting our families but our already diminishing workforce. We cannot address the scarcity of daycare spots or the skyrocketing weekly cost by recycling the same ideas and talking points. I will work with Republicans, Democrats, and the administration for a realistic solution.
​Promote Affordability and Opportunity for Vermonters and Small Business
As the Director of Human Resources and Operations for a small business, I’ve experienced the hurdles both employers and employees face. In the past two years, through the global pandemic, Vermont’s small businesses have been fighting for survival. Now, inflation, lack of product and/or supplies, a labor market that has 26,000 fewer Vermonters working or actively looking for work, small businesses are struggling more now than ever. I will be a voice that listens, asks questions, and speaks up for small businesses in Montpelier.

​Refresh and Balance Montpelier
​The Democratic Supermajority in both the House of Representatives and the State Senate combined with a Republican Governor has created gridlock and stalled progress; Vermonters are facing the consequences. The solution is a more moderate voice, someone who can bridge the divide between the Legislature and the Governor. I’m running to provide this leadership and collaboration to cultivate much needed progress in Montpelier.
About Me

I was born and raised in Vermont. My family and I fell in love with the community of Fairfax, moving to the town in 2020. I graduated from Champlain Valley Union High School and shortly thereafter earned a degree in Political Science and Economics from the University of Vermont.
Up until the second week of the 2023 Legislative Session, I was the Director of Human Resources & Operations for a property management firm. Over my career, I have developed strong budgeting skills while monitoring the Profit & Loss Statements and have an acute understanding of how the labor market is impacting businesses.
As an active member in the communities I’ve lived in, I’ve volunteered as a tee-ball coach, member of a recreation advisory committee, a volunteer for the VT Donor Milk Center, helped organize Chittenden County’s first Diaper Bank, and have been an advocate on local and state issues. Recently, I was honored to be elected to the Fairfax Public Library Board of Trustees. I am also a Board member for the Franklin Home Health Health Agencyy.
I reside on Maple Hill Road in Fairfax with my husband Jeff, two children (George and Reagan) and an eccentric dog named Duke.